…autre arrabalesque: « …  le oui-oui de l’orchestre ne vaut pas le non-non du virtuose…. »

Choin Theatre Company: de Corée :

« Guernica » de F.Arrabal

« …Hello, This is Choin Theatre Company in Korea.  We are going to perform  « Guernica » of FERNANDO ARRABAL as an official performance of Choin… We are  a theater company working since 2003 in korea… our company’s main theme is Anti-war, Anti-violence. so we decide to choice   Guernica…Professor Mira Kim translated  Guernica to korea language  …We will do it with pleasure … Violence has intensified through out the world nowadays… we will express our angry against all kind of violence…We know all of these are  games of power,  games of money,..They have killed a lot of Fanchou and Lira  (of GUERNICA) and the poor, the young people, even children, until now all over the world .They are not going to stop, but we have to try to stop them…We want to put posts (Encourage Post) on our pamphlet… a big help for us and our performance… »

극단 초인(Cho-In Theatre Company)
(136-055)서울시 성북구 동선동5가 67번지
67, Dongsundong5ga, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Tel: +82,2,929,6417 / Fax: +82,2,929,6419